Is this the end of the rainbow?
Friday, October 16, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
New Blog Post!
Who can tell me where this is?
Monday, August 31, 2015
Just Hangin' Out...
Want to know what those Merlier's are up to? Just click on the link!
Monday, August 24, 2015
The Maine State
"I will try to walk the world in complete awareness. The whole world is my sacred sanctuary, and through the world I feel connected to all that is."
Monday blessings everyone. Greet the week with a new blog post!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Packing Frenzy!!!
They say that proper preparation prevents poor performance; and we, here at Basecamp, believe this wholeheartedly! So, this week you will find us here working VERY hard to get it all together:
Pack it up
Pack it in
and then... GO!!!
We hope you'll join us and follow our sailing blog at the following link:
Come see what Life Aboard Evergreen is all about.
See you there!
Join us for dinner?
Monday, July 13, 2015
The New Moon is Coming!
Blessings Everyone,
The New Moon is coming! It arrives at precisely 21:24 on Wednesday, July 15th.
The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, hope, faith and optimism. It is very important, as it sets the pace for the entire lunar cycle. This means it’s also a great time to work with the Tarot.
To find out what kind of energy this New Moon will bring you,
request a New Moon Tarot reading from me at 50% off, to check in with your spirit guides, to learn what you should be working on during this new lunar cycle, and what you should let go.
A New Moon Tarot reading includes :
Let's take a look at where you came from and see how it's affecting the present.
Where are you currently on your path?
Where is your path leading you? This card will give you some insight, so you can see if you want to adjust your path, or continue as you are.
What energy is this New Moon bringing you?
What should you release going into this lunar cycle?
What energy should you work on bringing to you this cycle?
What Spirit Animal is currently assisting you on your path and how can you best work with their energy?
What do your Spirit Guides want you to know right now?
Ordinarily, an in depth reading like this would cost $50, but I am offering it to you for $25 to help get you balanced for this Moon period!
Click on the link and then enter your information in the New Moon Reading box at the bottom of the blog entry!
I look forward to hearing from you!
The New Moon is coming! It arrives at precisely 21:24 on Wednesday, July 15th.
The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, hope, faith and optimism. It is very important, as it sets the pace for the entire lunar cycle. This means it’s also a great time to work with the Tarot.
To find out what kind of energy this New Moon will bring you,
request a New Moon Tarot reading from me at 50% off, to check in with your spirit guides, to learn what you should be working on during this new lunar cycle, and what you should let go.
A New Moon Tarot reading includes :
Let's take a look at where you came from and see how it's affecting the present.
Where are you currently on your path?
Where is your path leading you? This card will give you some insight, so you can see if you want to adjust your path, or continue as you are.
What energy is this New Moon bringing you?
What should you release going into this lunar cycle?
What energy should you work on bringing to you this cycle?
What Spirit Animal is currently assisting you on your path and how can you best work with their energy?
What do your Spirit Guides want you to know right now?
Ordinarily, an in depth reading like this would cost $50, but I am offering it to you for $25 to help get you balanced for this Moon period!
Click on the link and then enter your information in the New Moon Reading box at the bottom of the blog entry!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
We certainly have a lot to be grateful for, as we pull the last of our loose ends together and head out on our new adventure towards the end of July. One of the things that I believe in is the power of the Moon and how this power helps us get our lives together. When I look at this picture, I see myself on the rocky shoreline of Maine next month giving thanks to Mother Moon for allowing me once again to enjoy my life on Mother Ocean aboard Evergreen.
If you would like to learn more about the power of the Moon and how to engage with Her visit the link:
The following is posted by Patti Wigington - one of my favorite resources:
July's full moon is known as the Blessing Moon, although it's also called the Meadow Moon. July was originally called Quintilus, but was later renamed in honor of Julius Caesar.
If you would like to learn more about the power of the Moon and how to engage with Her visit the link:
The following is posted by Patti Wigington - one of my favorite resources:
July's full moon is known as the Blessing Moon, although it's also called the Meadow Moon. July was originally called Quintilus, but was later renamed in honor of Julius Caesar.
- Colors: Green, silver, blue-gray
- Gemstones: Moonstone, white agate, opals or pearls
- Trees: Ash and Oak
- Gods: Juno, Venus, Cerridwen, Athena, Nephthys, Lugh
- Herbs: Mugwort, hyssop, lemon balm
- Element: Water
This is a great time to do divination and dreamwork. Find a way to incorporate the watery energy of the Blessing Moon into your spell crafting and ritual. Enjoy the relaxing feeling of July's full moon and use it in your personal meditation.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Mother, Mother, Ocean...
18, 2015
and abundant “Thors” day blessing to Everyone!
mighty God of Thunder and protector of the common man, we honor you!
of you may be wondering how I will carry on my magickal practice when I return to
the Sea. Well, that’s an easy question
to answer. I will be in the powerful
embrace of Mother Ocean. Aphrodite, Ishtar and Venus were called Stella Maris
or Star of the Sea. These Goddesses are
very powerful indeed
French la mere means mother and la mer means sea.
sea is where Darwin claims that all life began.
People, have gathered their food from it, used the tides, and felt the
powerful rhythm for thousands of years.
Buffet says a bit about the lure of the Sea:
Mother, mother ocean
I’ve heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters
Since I was three feet tall
You’ve seen it all
You see it all
I’ve watched the men who rode you
Switched from sails to steam
And in your belly you hold the treasures
Few have ever seen
Most of them dreams
Most of them dreams
Yes I am pirate
Two hundred years too late
The cannons don’t thunder
There’s nothing to plunder…
I’ve heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters
Since I was three feet tall
You’ve seen it all
You see it all
I’ve watched the men who rode you
Switched from sails to steam
And in your belly you hold the treasures
Few have ever seen
Most of them dreams
Most of them dreams
Yes I am pirate
Two hundred years too late
The cannons don’t thunder
There’s nothing to plunder…
Sandra Kyne the author of Sea Magic says this:
Mother Ocean
is that wonderful “in-between” place... Metaphorically, we step from the beach
into the true currents of our lives. Here, awash in the natural world, we discover
our own sacred balance.
people meditate for lengthy periods to reach that place in between the
spiritual realm and Earth. I will be so
fortunate to be living there! I’ll be
able to actually feel the gentle movement of the floating boat while at anchor,
or the surge of the sea as we plow through the water during a rollicking sail. I can gather and bless the water for ritual,
already prepared for me by Mother Ocean, and put it in a shell. I can meditate beneath the outrageous shimmer
of the stars at night. Then when I climb
out on deck in the morning I can enjoy my coffee while watching the sparkle of
Sunlight dancing on the water, watch the dolphins and water birds play, and be
ever amazed at the breeching whales. This,
my friends, is a world of wonder and delight, absolutely overflowing with
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Thursdays are for Abundance!

Prosperity magick is often done on Thursdays, using a green candle. If you want to add a stone to the mix, many of the green stones, like malachite, jade, or aventurine, are also associated with prosperity.
One of the things I always suggest when doing prosperity work is to keep an open mind. If you ask for one specific thing, like money, you might or might not get it. But if you leave room for the Universe to improvise, you might end up getting just the right thing and the right time to fill whatever need you have.
When I am going to do this spell, I often take a green votive and using the tip of my athame or a toothpick, scratch a few rune symbols (such as Uraz and Gifu) into it, along with my initials.
God and Goddess hear my plea
Rain prosperity down on me
Bring in monies large and small
To pay my bills, one and all
Money earned and gifts for free
As I will, so mote it be
Note: If you are concerned about getting your prosperity in a way that is less than positive (a relative dying, for instance), you can always add at the end of this or any other spell: For the good of all, and according to the free will of all, so mote it be.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
It's Hurricane Season!
Blessings Everyone,
Well here we are in the month of June! The Wheel of the year is turning and Litha approaches. It’s hard to imagine that half the year has almost flown by!
One of the things about June that those of us who live along the East coast of the US and especially here at Basecamp is the fear of Hurricanes!!!
Well here we are in the month of June! The Wheel of the year is turning and Litha approaches. It’s hard to imagine that half the year has almost flown by!
One of the things about June that those of us who live along the East coast of the US and especially here at Basecamp is the fear of Hurricanes!!!
After you have taken proper mundane precautions to make sure
your home and property is protected you can do something magical as well!
I am reprinting some advice from one of my favorite ladies – Ann Moura about how we can protect ourselves in the event of a Hurricane warning.
This excellent spell comes from her book, Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows (Kindle Location 2622). Kindle Edition.
Her first advice is:
“Change another's Spell slightly so it is yours: to make the energy generated recognize that it comes from you and your will, so that it connects to work with you specifically.”
This is very important. In order to be effective, you must change the spell ever so slightly to make it your own. Put your energy into it. I can’t stress this enough!
For this spell you may find it helpful to address the Elemental Winds by raising the completed spell materials to each Quarter to energize spell:
-North wind for physical actions
-East wind for new beginnings and mental actions
-South wind for power and vigorous actions
-West wind for cleansings and emotional actions
I am reprinting some advice from one of my favorite ladies – Ann Moura about how we can protect ourselves in the event of a Hurricane warning.
This excellent spell comes from her book, Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows (Kindle Location 2622). Kindle Edition.
Her first advice is:
“Change another's Spell slightly so it is yours: to make the energy generated recognize that it comes from you and your will, so that it connects to work with you specifically.”
This is very important. In order to be effective, you must change the spell ever so slightly to make it your own. Put your energy into it. I can’t stress this enough!
For this spell you may find it helpful to address the Elemental Winds by raising the completed spell materials to each Quarter to energize spell:
-North wind for physical actions
-East wind for new beginnings and mental actions
-South wind for power and vigorous actions
-West wind for cleansings and emotional actions
Alright, is everybody ready? Here we go!
Perform during: anytime there is threat of a hurricane.
You will need: a sharp knife [not your Athame].
Spell casting: take knife in hand and go outdoors, facing the direction from which the wind is blowing. Wave the knife overhead three times in a great circle while saying: I call upon thee, Elementals Air and Water! Go wherever ye please, But stay thou far away from me! Throughout the oceans ye may roam! But nowhere near to my own home! For kith and kin are thee to me, That As I Will, So Mote It Be!
Thrust the knife into the ground while envisioning that the winds will be "split" and not come near. After the danger has passed, retrieve the knife and rinse it off.
If you'd like to learn more about spells and spellcrafting visit
Monday, May 25, 2015
Tarot Readers Help Save Lives!
What happens if someone comes to a tarot reader in an urgent life crisis? What if your client says I've been feeling suicidal, I' being abused, or I need help!
What I do is try to first give reassurance and then connect them to their nearest crisis hotline/helpline phone numbers or websites. Click on this link to see what I offer:
Don't take these requests lightly! You may be the first or only person to be contacted. Do your best to get them connected to the proper resources. You'll be glad you did and very relieved if they come back to thank you!
Many Blessings,
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Page of Pentacles
This is the card I drew today! Wow! I
am right at a turning point with my Tarot reading business, so this is a great
card to receive! Let me explain.
The Page represents youthful energy. That abundant growth energy that infuses the
owner with strength, creativity, and that youthful passion that drives one to
move forward and conquer the tasks ahead in order to become successful.
The Page of Pentacles represents anything to do with, well, pentacles! Practical, Earthly concerns are what this
Page likes to speak about. He is
concerned with the labor, bookkeeping, organization of the plan, and the marketing. He wants everything strategically in place so
that growth may occur.
So, in essence I am being told to develop a “can do”
attitude and get my act together, because then my success will be right around
the corner. I’m so excited!
If you are interested in what the cards may have to tell you
come visit my Tarot Reading Room to find out!
Monday, May 11, 2015
Moony Mondayness - Shock Waves!
This is something I hope I never experience! But wait, I think I might have a time or two, and it was just wearing a disguise! Yes, I'm sure of it! What do I mean?
Anytime the sky seems to fall, the world, as you know it, seems to end, things just seem to fall apart right before your eyes, and perhaps against your conscious wishes, you've been shipwrecked!
OMG, you say, I think this is happening to me! Now what do I do?
First try to get a grip on your emotions. Drama, drama, drama! It's OK to get angry, feel sad, cry, yell, etc., but don't lose your head!
After the climax of whatever happens to make you feel wrecked, let the tears fall and express the agony to anyone who will listen, but when you have expressed it all and your soul is cleansed, open up and ask the Universe to help you sort it out.
Get some rest and then make a thoughtful list of anything that you might have some control over. Don't dwell on those things that you can't control! Moving forward is the key!
You must also try to grasp that this is probably a prearranged life path correction. Pre-arranged? Would you pre-arrange your own destruction? Maybe! Your soul spends a significant amount of time planning and choosing a path before you reincarnate. As souls, we are always trying to improve ourselves and grow toward connection with The Source, just like a plant turns & reaches toward the light. This means that we might pick huge challenges during a lifetime in order to meet or exceed our goals! To understand what I am talking about I would recommend that you read this book:
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, PH.D.
It's easy to read, but the insights you will gain about life are incredible!
If you simply don't have time for this or just don't want to read this fabulous book you can always come to me for a Tarot reading! Maybe I can help you sort things out? I'll be waiting!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Tarot Tuesday
Hi Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your Beltane celebrations or at least gazing at the bright and beautiful, Full Flower Moon! This is such a wonderful and sensual time of year. Nature is just burgeoning with flowers and sweet new babies! These are Muscovy ducklings from a wild flock that we feed.
Many of us get the Spring cleaning bug. We want to get everything tidied up and refreshed for the oncoming sunny seasons. I'm no exception! I have spent some time cleaning and rearranging my Tarot site, and I have added something that I think you will find a lot of fun!
If you go to the second page on the site, or click on any Free Reading button, you can interact with the deck of your choice (there's two). You will be guided through a simple three card reading that you choose and the interpretations will be presented as you click on each card. You can sign in and start your own tarot journal, too! So, drop on by to and check it out!
If you are satisfied with the reading(s) you get from this app, I'm thrilled, but if you need something more you can always reach me personally in The Tarot Reading Room, Tarot Just For Fun!, Tarot Life Coaching, or ask me a question in the appropriate Free Questions box.
I can't wait to hear what you think, so leave me a comment below!
I hope you enjoyed your Beltane celebrations or at least gazing at the bright and beautiful, Full Flower Moon! This is such a wonderful and sensual time of year. Nature is just burgeoning with flowers and sweet new babies! These are Muscovy ducklings from a wild flock that we feed.
Many of us get the Spring cleaning bug. We want to get everything tidied up and refreshed for the oncoming sunny seasons. I'm no exception! I have spent some time cleaning and rearranging my Tarot site, and I have added something that I think you will find a lot of fun!
If you go to the second page on the site, or click on any Free Reading button, you can interact with the deck of your choice (there's two). You will be guided through a simple three card reading that you choose and the interpretations will be presented as you click on each card. You can sign in and start your own tarot journal, too! So, drop on by to and check it out!
If you are satisfied with the reading(s) you get from this app, I'm thrilled, but if you need something more you can always reach me personally in The Tarot Reading Room, Tarot Just For Fun!, Tarot Life Coaching, or ask me a question in the appropriate Free Questions box.
I can't wait to hear what you think, so leave me a comment below!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Moony Mondayness - Strength + Justice = Hope

I was doing a card reading today, I was reminded of something. In some decks of Tarot cards, such as The
Tarot of Delphi pictured above, Justice is number XI or 11. Other decks occasionally place Justice in the
8th position. The relevance here
would be that if you pick a numerological Life Path card for someone, which
helps to determine the Karmic goals that they should focus on in their current
lifetime, they might assign them to be either Strength or Justice depending on
the deck. So, how could this affect
their path?
Life Path number is 8. So most often I
am determined to be a combination of Strength and because the numbers add up to
8, I am also considered to have the Karmic qualities of Star, which is the card
that represents hope. If I accept this assignment
that would mean that I should help others by being positive and uplifting,
fighting to keep my head above slander and/or harmful negative situations, and being
tough enough to bounce back when knocked down.
so I am all of these and have been all my life.
If someone were to tell me that I was Justice and Star would that really
alter my destiny? I think not, because
if you examine the ideas represented on these cards, you might come to the
conclusion that in order to be positive and uplifting to myself and others and
bring hope, I would really have to embrace the qualities of Justice and be
fair, right?
there is a ‘crossover’ here that can be embraced and added in to suggest that,
as above, Strength + Justice + Hope!
Remember, if you comment you can go to to claim a free Tarot reading!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Moony Mondayness - Decisions,decisions...
Decisions, decisions, decisions! What could be more mondayne than all of the decisions we are called to make on a daily basis? So, I was thinking that the first Monday after the New Moon might be a good time to post something about this subject. After all, it's a time when we are called to organize the week ahead, and because it's around the New Moon phase, some of us embrace the possibilities of a magickal new beginning, right?
Sometimes the best way to make the choices that will make the magick happen is to keep it practical. Tie it into your mundane needs and activities, in order to focus on what you really need, and empower your desires. O.K., so how do we do that?
Look at the cards pictured above. The first card, Two of Swords, is a painting called The Tragic Poetess, c.1890 by, Lord Frederic Leighton. She looks tragic, no? But is she? Could she instead be faced with a challenge and contemplating what her decision might be? She has a bucket of scrolls next to her (choices), the rolling sea behind her, and some dark clouds gathering overhead. She seems to be pondering her choices.
This picture connotes how the intellect and the emotions are often tangled. The character in the picture thinks she knows what she should do, but isn't sure that she really wants to do it. But as a contemplative poet she is skilled about how to use this 'tangle', having gained an understanding of how emotion affects intellect. She knows that doing this can be more important than trying to separate the two. How often have you heard, "Think with your head, not with your heart!" But I'm here to challenge that idea by presenting to you that sometimes it's O.K. and even desirable to use both head and heart together!
By learning to be sensitive, intuitive, and connected we stand to gain a whole lot more than by constantly trying to only take the cold, hard, logical approach to everything. Sometimes, we must use our imaginations, learn to be creative and try to be brave, by speaking to what we believe in and what we think is right. Doing this allows your desires and what you value to be released into the Universal flow, so that the powers that be can offer you possibilities for solutions. By shaking that creative web in this way you may gain more than you ever thought you could!
A great example of this is is the character on the next picture - The Enchantress of Wands. This is a painting of Athenais done in 1908, by John Williams Godward, (both pictures are from the Tarot of Delphi, by Janet Hinkel and presented here with her loving and gracious permission).
Athenais was put into a very bad ( or so she thought at the time) position, after being denied any inheritance from her family's estate. She was suddenly impoverished and certainly did not want to face a life of destitution. So, she stepped up bravely, and used her plucky and assertive nature to seek justice in the empirical court. Not only was she heard, but she so impressed the young emperor that they wed! She was renamed Aelia Eudocia and the now affluent empress proved herself to be an astute politician and a social strategist. She used her influence for philanthropic projects, especially education for women, this being so essential to her own success. She was also a poet in the Classical style.
Both of these women used their imaginations to create what they wanted for their lives. Our contemplative poet wanted to help impart better understanding of the meaning of life and our Classical poet, Athenais wanted a better life, but not only for herself. She wanted to improve the general lives of her society and especially woman. Could she have done either of those things if she hadn't creatively stood up for basic social justice, or what she believed in? I think not!
What do you think? Leave me a comment about how you think blending intellect with emotion could affect and or improve reality. I will give a free Tarot reading to anyone who is brave enough to tell me what you think!
Leave your comment and then go to Special Offers page for your free reading!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Moony Mondayness-Banishing Unwanted Energies
Blessings Everyone!
The 'Supermoon' that occurred on the 4th is waning. Full Moons are both beautiful and powerful energies, but is a waning Moon something we should connect to? Absolutely!
Wait a minute. Why would you want to connect to something that's disappearing?
The waning Moon is the time to connect to banishing unwanted energies. Think about something you really want gone from your life; Is someone or something annoying you? Has an illness got you down? Do you need to banish money problems, pain, doubt, fear?
Are you getting the idea? Good! Think about something you want gone from your life. Take a piece of paper and your favorite writing implement. Now write down on this paper what exactly you want to be rid of. Fold the paper away from you 4 times. Your intent should be to visualize that as the moon wanes the problem will go away.
Now that you've visualized your world without this annoyance, you can do one of a few things with the paper.
1. You can take it to someplace safe for burning, light it and focus on seeing your problem burn away.
2. You can bury the paper and see your problem deteriorating and the negative energy being recycled by Mother Earth into something worthwhile.
3. Last but not least, you can release your paper into a stream of water and watch it float away from you.
After the paper is gone from your site, take a few deep breaths and picture your world as it will be without this irritating energy. How does that feel?
I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question!
The 'Supermoon' that occurred on the 4th is waning. Full Moons are both beautiful and powerful energies, but is a waning Moon something we should connect to? Absolutely!
Wait a minute. Why would you want to connect to something that's disappearing?
The waning Moon is the time to connect to banishing unwanted energies. Think about something you really want gone from your life; Is someone or something annoying you? Has an illness got you down? Do you need to banish money problems, pain, doubt, fear?
Are you getting the idea? Good! Think about something you want gone from your life. Take a piece of paper and your favorite writing implement. Now write down on this paper what exactly you want to be rid of. Fold the paper away from you 4 times. Your intent should be to visualize that as the moon wanes the problem will go away.
Now that you've visualized your world without this annoyance, you can do one of a few things with the paper.
1. You can take it to someplace safe for burning, light it and focus on seeing your problem burn away.
2. You can bury the paper and see your problem deteriorating and the negative energy being recycled by Mother Earth into something worthwhile.
3. Last but not least, you can release your paper into a stream of water and watch it float away from you.
After the paper is gone from your site, take a few deep breaths and picture your world as it will be without this irritating energy. How does that feel?
I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Tarot Fans, Happy Sunday & Happy Easter
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.”
Wonderful insight and stimulation to help us remember that sometimes it's baby steps and small efforts everyday that get us where we want to go!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Life can be raw, animalistic and thorny for the "King of the Jungle." But he looks out with peaceful eyes. He has learned that he must work between the worlds in order to connect to the spiritual realm for guidance and strength. This helps him embrace the need for this raw power and use it to empower his life to the fullest. Thus, for him reconciling the need for the wake of carnage and calamity to other species on his jungle path in order for him just to eat. By eating and staying strong enough to deal with this part of his ugly and thorny existence, he is able to achieve his ultimate goals on his Earthly incarnation plain. His message to us? Learn how to achieve and maintain focus and inner peace in order to cope with the raw and thorny lessons on the Earth plain.
Picture from The Wild Unknown Tarot
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Sharpen Your Focus!
Art of Focus
On Sea Star Tarot I call out to you to let me “Sharpen
Your Focus!” Well, Sharon you say, just what does that
mean? Are you going to fix my
spectacles? Do I need to buy a telescope
or a pair of binoculars? How can YOU
help ME sharpen my focus?
I can guide you safely through your issues and
troubled waters! Stay with me a moment while
I explain. When we arise to face what
the day will bring, we work on creating and or following a predesignated agenda. I’m a list maker. I jot down, throughout my day, all of those
things that require more study, some sort of activity, attention, etc. Then each evening, before I allow myself to
relax, I review my list. If I've managed
to check off more than I’ve added, I give myself a pat on the back. By doing this I ‘sharpen’ my own focus regarding
what needs to be done and keep track of my accomplishments. How many of you write down what you need to
do tomorrow and try to stick to it? This
can be a very helpful tool.
But why would you need to consult a Tarot Reader
like myself for this? As simply stated
by my business coach, Jenna Matlin, from Queen of Wands Tarot
“Our lives are grounded in hard focus; on the
road, on our phones, at our emails, etc. The beam of concentration is sharp,
but pinpoint small.”
Jenna then goes on to talk about something called
soft focus. She defines soft focus as
“Soft focus is blurry with a wide field of view…”
Okay, so how can blurring my focus sharpen it? Is this not an oxymoron? Not necessarily. A good many of us rarely engage in the
activity of soft focus. We tend to be
very “left-brained”, analytical, and critical.
We expect to find the reference to whatever we need advice on in a very
logical way. We strive for
efficiency. Proactivity is the name of
the game. “Get the dictionary, look it
up in Wikipedia, search the web for that answer and don’t waste time!” Does that feel or sound familiar?
What do you think would happen if, when you have a problem to
solve, you just take a minute to relax, take some deep breathes, blur your eyes
a bit and open to what the creative forces of the Universe might offer? Or how many of you have you ever done this; just
pushed away from a problem and went on to do something else, when suddenly you
have an “Ah Ha!” moment and the answers come rushing in?
Sometimes when we arrest our’ hard’ concentration, we
actually are able to adjust the sites on our scopes and actually sharpen our
focus, which then helps us to connect to the solutions for those elusive
However, if you are so caught up in a crisis and/or even just
everyday life challenges that you can't see the forest for the trees, getting a
Tarot reading from a legitimate and experienced reader can help you get your
act together, ward off “burn-out” and you move forward. As tarot readers, we are trained in how to do
soft focus. We learn how to quietly move
through the forest of our client’s anxieties and let the incoming information
we get infuse our minds past the line of fear or the obvious into something
deeper. From this place we can then ‘divine’
the suggestions that the Universe offers up for solutions to the problems and
share them with you with our interpretation of the cards and a summary of their
meaning, making suggestions to help you grasp what you might do about a given
situation. You must keep in mind,
however, that nothing is ever set in stone and as a ‘freewill’ entity you
always have the right and need to make your own choices.
I hope you found this information about sharpening your focus
helpful and if you think you might benefit from a reading with me, come and
check me out at!
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